Cov khoom

  • FLIP TOP CAP-F3558

    FLIP TOP CAP-F3558

    Tus Qauv Zauv: F3558
    Khoom npe: 13mm tshuaj txhuam hniav ntxeev sab saum toj hau
    Khoom siv: PP
    Siv: ntxuav, biomedical, tshuaj pleev ib ce, tshuaj
    Spec: muaj zog sealing, leakage pov thawj, yooj yim

  • FLIP TOP CAP-F1788

    FLIP TOP CAP-F1788

    Tus Qauv Zauv: F1788
    Khoom npe: 18mm flip top cap
    Khoom siv: PP
    Siv: ntxuav, biomedical, tshuaj pleev ib ce, tshuaj
    Spec: muaj zog sealing, leakage pov thawj, yooj yim

  • FLIP TOP CAP-F1416

    FLIP TOP CAP-F1416

    Tus Qauv Zauv: F1416
    Khoom npe: 25mm flip top cap
    Khoom siv: PP
    Siv: ntxuav, biomedical, tshuaj pleev ib ce, tshuaj
    Spec: muaj zog sealing, leakage pov thawj, yooj yim

  • FLIP TOP CAP-F3981

    FLIP TOP CAP-F3981

    Tus Qauv Zauv: F3981
    Khoom npe: 38/400 flip top cap
    Khoom siv: PP
    Siv: ntxuav, biomedical, tshuaj pleev ib ce, tshuaj
    Spec: muaj zog sealing, leakage pov thawj, yooj yim

  • FLIP TOP CAP-F1992

    FLIP TOP CAP-F1992

    Tus Qauv Zauv: F1992
    Khoom npe: 28mm flip top cap
    Khoom siv: PP
    Siv: ntxuav, biomedical, tshuaj pleev ib ce, tshuaj
    Spec: muaj zog sealing, leakage pov thawj, yooj yim

  • FLIP TOP CAP-F2029

    FLIP TOP CAP-F2029

    Tus Qauv Zauv: F2029
    Khoom npe: 20/410 flip top cap
    Khoom siv: PP
    Siv: ntxuav, biomedical, tshuaj pleev ib ce, tshuaj
    Spec: muaj zog sealing, leakage pov thawj, yooj yim

  • FLIP TOP CAP-F3229

    FLIP TOP CAP-F3229

    Tus Qauv Zauv: F3229
    Khoom npe: ntaub so ntswg ntub saum lub hau
    Khoom siv: PP
    Siv: ntxuav, biomedical, tshuaj pleev ib ce, tshuaj
    Spec: muaj zog sealing, leakage pov thawj, yooj yim

  • Disc sab saum toj-D2630

    Disc sab saum toj-D2630

    Yam khoom: D2630
    Khoom npe: 24/410disc sab saum toj cap
    Khoom siv: PP
    Siv: ntxuav, biomedical, tshuaj pleev ib ce, tshuaj
    Spec: corrosion resistance, to proof, muaj zog sealing

  • Disc sab saum toj-D2630

    Disc sab saum toj-D2630

    Yam khoom: D2023
    Khoom npe: 24/410 disc sab saum toj cap
    Khoom siv: PP
    Siv: ntxuav, biomedical, tshuaj pleev ib ce, tshuaj
    Spec: corrosion resistance, to proof, muaj zog sealing

  • Disc sab saum toj-D2200

    Disc sab saum toj-D2200

    Yam khoom: D2023
    Khoom npe: 20/400 disc sab saum toj cap
    Khoom siv: PP
    Siv: ntxuav, biomedical, tshuaj pleev ib ce, tshuaj
    Spec: corrosion resistance, to proof, muaj zog sealing

  • Disc sab saum toj-D2198

    Disc sab saum toj-D2198

    Yam khoom: D2198
    Khoom npe: 20/400 disc sab saum toj cap
    Khoom siv: PP
    Siv: ntxuav, biomedical, tshuaj pleev ib ce, tshuaj
    Spec: corrosion resistance, to proof, muaj zog sealing

  • Disc sab saum toj-D2010

    Disc sab saum toj-D2010

    Khoom siv: D2010
    Khoom npe: 20/410disc sab saum toj cap
    Khoom siv: PP
    Siv: ntxuav, biomedical, tshuaj pleev ib ce, tshuaj
    Spec: corrosion resistance, to proof, muaj zog sealing